
This challenge is for the “Life & Death” expansion. It tells a saga of a destructive soul blossoming into a creative spirit.

Incarnation Rules
  • Start as Infant or Toddler on all incarnations.
  • Name your incarnations as your first name or nickname. Not a hard rule, so you can choose any name.
  • Your incarnation’s appearance and their Siblings must be set with “Play With Genetics” based on their Parents.
  • Think of your favorite color/s. This will be your incarnation’s color scheme. This may be applied towards their clothes, eyes, skin, hair, tattoos, room and/or home.
  • Auto-Age Household: Enabled on both Played and Unplayed Households
  • Sims Lifespan: Short or Normal. You can change any time if things feel fast or slow. For example, set to Normal during Infant to Child; set to Short during Teen to Elder.
  • You are allowed to give your incarnation a “premature death.” Continuously using “Out of Body Experience” in Baleful Bog is the easiest way to do this. Only do this if your incarnation has completed TWO aspirations.
Rebirth Rules
  • Your incarnation’s tombstone must remain in the lot outdoors, so it’s accessible to future incarnations.
  • Before Rebirthing, you must achieve “The Big Picture” in order to get the Burning Soul trait.
  • Before Rebirthing through Baleful Bog, set up the next incarnation’s household based on its conditions (see Incarnation Generation). Try placing the next household in a different world for variety, if possible.
  • After Rebirthing to the next household, REMEMBER to Enable Neighborhood Stories on your past incarnation’s Household. Check all except “Die from Accident.” Then, mark them as Unplayed Household.
  • You must use “Recall Past Life” immediately when it becomes available as a Teen.
  • When using “Peer Into Soul,” take as many traits as you can. For a challenge, you can limit how many you take. But REMEMBER to take them all before another Rebirth.
Incarnation Generation
  • Each incarnation has specific instructions
  • Aspirations for your incarnation are limited to their generation
  • RICH and WELL-OFF households require certain cheats. Make sure to follow its instructions. 
  • Use pre-made lots or The Gallery to get homes for RICH and WELL-OFF households; you can make your own home as well.
  1. Destructive Soul
    • Any DEVIANCE Aspiration
    • Incarnation Trait: Evil
    • 1 Infant or Toddler Incarnation (this is you), 2 Adult Parents, 2 Teen Siblings
    • RICH: freerealestate on, residential value 200k or higher, money cheats allowed
  2. Greedy Hands
    • Any FORTUNE Aspiration
    • Incarnation Trait: Kleptomaniac
    • 1 YA Parent
    • POOR: freerealestate off. 50 x 50 empty lot, no money cheats
  3. Open Arms
    • Aspirations: Friend of the World, Serial Romantic, Friend of the Animals*
    • Incarnation Trait: Outgoing
    • 1 Adult Grandparent, 1 YA Parent, 1 YA Aunt/Uncle
    • WELL-OFF: freerealestate on, residential value 20k to 40k, no money cheats
  4. Restless Legs
    • Aspirations: Joke Star, Party Animal, World Famous Celebrity*, Natural Leader*
    • Incarnation Trait: Goofball
    • 2 Adult Parents, 1 Teen Sibling, 2 Child Sibling
    • RICH: freerealestate on, residential value 200k or higher, money cheats allowed
  5. Grounded Feet
    • Any NATURE Aspiration
    • Incarnation Trait: Loves Outdoors
    • 1 Adult Parent, 1 YA Caretaker, 1 Teen
    • POOR: freerealestate off. 50 x 50 empty lot, no money cheats
  6. Hungry Belly
    • Secret Grilled Cheese Aspiration and Any FOOD Aspiration
    • Incarnation Trait: Glutton
    • 2 YA Parents, 1 Child Sibling, 1 Toddler Sibling
    • WELL-OFF: freerealestate on, residential value 20k to 40k, no money cheats
  7. Struggling Body
    • Any ATHLETIC Aspiration, Soulmate, Paragon Partner*, Romantic Explorer*
    • Incarnation Trait: Active
    • 1 Adult Parent, 1 YA Parent
    • POOR: freerealestate off. 50 x 50 empty lot, no money cheats
  8. Empty Mind
    • Any KNOWLEDGE Aspiration
    • Incarnation Trait: Gloomy
    • 1 Elder Great-Grandparent, 1 Adult Grandparent, 1 YA Parent
    • WELL-OFF: freerealestate on, residential value 20k to 40k, no money cheats
  9. Nurturing Breath
    • Any FAMILY Aspiration
    • Incarnation Trait: Cheerful
    • Move into an “Orphanage” or “Foster Home”
    • 1 Adult Caretaker, 1 Toddler, 2 Child, 2 Teen
    • RICH: freerealestate on, residential value 200k or higher, money cheats allowed
  10. Creative Spirit
    • Any CREATIVITY Aspiration
    • Incarnation Trait: Good
    • 2 YA Parents
    • POOR: freerealestate off. 50 x 50 empty lot, no money cheats
  • 1 point for each Aspiration Completed. Limit 2 points per Incarnation.
  • 1 point for each successful “Talk about Strange Connection” Interaction. Limit 1 points per Incarnation.
  • Scoring is not necessary, but incentivizes gameplay.


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